The nature and elements of literature


I love you,

From with you and without you.

I love you,

From your words to your eyes.

I love you,

All that you get angry with me and accept it with a warm smile.

I love you,

From your presence to being lost in your memories.

I love you,

From the joy of meeting you to the tears of losing you.

I only love you,

Yes, I only love you!     

           Poetic form: free vers 

      Literature as an expression of Life 

Human emotions and feelings are expressed in this poem that's why here the element of Life 'HUMAN EMOTIONS " is based on this poem.

This poem reflect emotion of love inside the poem.

Impulses behind Literature 

There are two impulses behind my poem

1. Our desire for self expression 

This poem expressed my own emotions feelings and thoughts that's why this impulse is applicable here in poem.

2. Our intrest in world of reality and imagination.

This poem is almost on imagination and reality that's why this impulse also applicable here in poem.

Teams of literature 

There is two thems behind my poem 

1. The personal experience of an individual as individual 

In this poem there is only diatribe about human emotions and feelings for person that's why this them is applicable for my poem 

2. Man's own efforts to create and express under various forms of art and literature.

Classification of Literature

This poem is classified as "Self- Expression"

Type of my poem is "free verse" poem.

In this poem I'm trying to explain what is love for only one person. Or in this poem I'm telling about my feelings and emotions for one person that's why this poem is classified by SELF EXPRESSION. 

Elements of composition 

Once I was watching a movie named "Fida". This movie is totally based on love and sacrifices.

My poem is also based on love and imagination.

Emotion of this poem is love. 

There is no comparison between things or persons.

This is free verse poem 

This poem have no rhyme scheme. This is irregular rhymescheme.


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